
Bellingham, Washington. Steve Szirom has been sailing since 1978 and holds an active U.S. Coast Guard Masters License. Oyster Yachting is a sailing community dedicated to blue-water cruising vessels, far-off voyaging destinations and safe passages. My status
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Friday, March 12, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Ode to Rope

As I cast off for that very first time,
The "rope" in my hand has now become "line".
And hauling the sails to the top of the mast,
That "rope", now a "halyard" holds strong, taught and fast.
Then sailing in brisk winds full force on a beat.
The sails are trimmed in by that "rope" that's a "sheet".
And now at my anchorage with sails safely stowed,
I trust in that "rope" that now serves as a "rode".
Through all my life I will never lose hope,
Of a reason or time to play with a rope.